【发布时间】:2024-10-03 08:07:09
和其他7位IMG学院篮球球友一起,安费尼·西蒙斯参加了2018年6月22日的NBA选秀比赛,成功被波特兰开拓者队选为第24位成员。自2015年以来,西蒙斯成为IMG学院第二位直接被选中的球员。Joining seven other IMG Academy basketball alumni in the NBA, Anfernee Simons was selected as the 24th draft pick by the Portland Trail Blazers on June 22 in the 2018 NBA Draft. Simons became the second player picked in the Draft straight from IMG Academy since 2015.
西蒙斯在IMG学院的教练约翰·马奥尼(John Mahoney)表示,从他入学的第一天起西蒙斯就很明确他自己的目标,这令整个西蒙斯家族都感到无比兴奋。Simons' coach at IMG Academy, John Mahoney, understood his goals from his first day on campus and is incredibly excited for the entire Simons family.
“安费尼为这一刻付出了极大的努力,我们为他感到高兴,并祝他好运!”马奥尼说,“我对安费尼和他的家人感到非常高兴。这是他的梦想,现在他可以梦想成真了。”"Anfernee has worked extremely hard for this moment and we are very happy for him and want to wish him the best of luck!" Mahoney said. "I'm extremely happy for Anfernee and his family. This has been a dream of his, and now he can make it come true."
Ricky Sanchez- IMG学院2005届生,第35位成为波特兰开拓者队的球员
Renaldo Balkman- 2006年成为纽约尼克斯队第20位球员
DeAndre Daniels- IMG学院2011届生,在2014年参加康涅狄格选拔赛中成为多伦多猛龙队第37位球员
Dwight Powell- IMG学院2010届生,在2014年参加斯坦福大学选拔赛中成为夏洛特黄蜂队第45位球员(之后成为山猫队成员)
Chris McCullough- IMG学院2014届生,在2015年参加锡拉库扎选拔赛中成为布鲁克林篮网队第29位球员
Satnam Singh- IMG学院2015届生,成为达拉斯小牛队第52位球员
Jonathan Isaac- IMG学院2016届生,在2017年参加佛罗里达州立大学选拔赛中成为奥兰多魔术队第6位球员